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Is Mediation a Good Alternative Dispute Resolution? – Family Issues

njury case or contract dispute, family law disputes, and disputes over employment. Mediation is a wonderful option to find a different dispute resolutionoption, which means your case can be resolved quicker, and it is possible to come to a compromise to the final outcome. Mediation is the process of bargaining that is handled through a neutral third person the mediator, which does not hold a stake in the final outcome of the disagreement. Mediation can be found in both state and federal courts to aid in the resolution of the litigation process.

Mediation can be hosted by the mediator at the office of the mediator, or in a different neutral space. It is also voluntary thus no one will be bound to take part in this type of negotiation. However, it can be really helpful for both sides when it can be a viable alternative. Couples may choose mediation to resolve conflicting civil opinions about the conditions of their divorce. This can be extremely important in many litigation cases which is why you must consider how you might use this alternative dispute resolution if you’re ever involved in a legal case. Check out this video to understand all about mediation.


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