Cars can cease to function at any point. There are a variety of ways and methods that could help fix the problem. Sometimes, these techniques will be successful, but sometimes the vehicle will not begin regardless. In such cases you must make sure that the car is capable of being towable to the nearest repair service. For the complete tow, there are three items needed: the car that is stuck, the vehicle towing it and the connector. The tow can be made using more than one item for connecting the vehicles. A person can make use of rope or chain to connect the two vehicles. The towing connector should not be more than 2.2 meters, and shorter that 1.2 meters.
The very first step in the process of towing is to connect the rope, string, or chain to the vehicle. A big, metal loop, known as a “tow-eye” will show up. If the car is equipped with one, you is required to connect the strap or to the towbar.
The third step is to create loops with the other end of the connecting device and attach that. The video provides additional tips. the video.